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Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

Our Supply Chains

We are committed to ensuring that we do not drive human rights abuses through our supply chains. To this end, we oblige our suppliers to sign mandatory policies on modern slavery, human trafficking, corruption, and bribery. These policies commit signatories to implementing systems to ensure that modern slavery is not taking place anywhere within their organisation or in any of our supply chains. We expect that our suppliers will hold their own suppliers to the same standards. Our anti-bribery and corruption policy can be viewed here. On an annual basis, we ask our suppliers to fill in an anti-modern slavery questionnaire. The questionnaire requires them to provide assurance and evidence that their supply chains are not implicated in modern slavery. They need to demonstrate that they are driving out modern slavery in their supply chains, and provide evidence they are taking these steps, such as audits. We review our anti-modern slavery work annually.

We are aware that as a battery operator, we are linked to complex and often opaque mineral supply chains, placing us at risk of purchasing conflict minerals. Our supplier BYD has committed to ‘take reasonable efforts to avoid in its products the use of raw materials which directly or indirectly finance armed groups who violate human rights’.[1] Likewise, our supplier Tesla expects its mineral suppliers to take ‘reasonable efforts to ensure that parts and products supplied to Tesla are “DRC conflict free”, meaning that such conflict minerals do not benefit armed groups in the Democratic Republic of the Congo’.[2] Most of our batteries use lithium-phosphate systems, and do not contain minerals associated with conflict such as cobalt. We commit never to purchase batteries containing conflict minerals. We are working with our major suppliers to request that they provide evidence of the origins of key materials, such as the components in our mobile and stationary batteries.

See our environmental policy for details of our work to extend our batteries’ lifecycles and to dispose of them responsibly.

Equal Opportunities

Zenobē is an equal opportunities employer and is committed to treating all employees and job applicants equally. We do not discriminate against any employee, ex-employee or job applicant on grounds of their race, colour, nationality, national or ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, civil partnership status, pregnancy or maternity, religion, belief, disability, age or gender. Where complaints of unlawful discrimination are made, Zenobē will investigate these and take appropriate steps and measures in the light of such investigations.

Zenobē is committed to valuing diversity and seeks to provide all staff with opportunities for employment, career and personal development on the basis of ability, qualifications and suitability for the work as well as their potential to be developed into the job. We believe that people from different backgrounds can bring fresh ideas, thinking and approaches that make the way work is undertaken more effective and efficient.

Individual Charity Fundraising and Volunteering

Zenobē is committed to promoting the good work and initiatives of its staff members, particularly when they contribute to the work of charitable organisations.

Zenobē will support individual sponsorship for involvement in activities such as running the London Marathon and taking part in charitable events.

Zenobē offers staff members half a day a year to dedicate to a voluntary project which will help to renew depleted ecosystems.

20 September 2021

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Peter Smith

Head of Product

Pete leads Zenobē’s growing team of Product specialists across all areas of the business. His team oversee our R&D as well as product development in both hardware and software.


He has been working in the European E-Mobility sector from over ten years, specialising in the design, build and delivery of software systems for EV Charging.