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Scotland’s first transmission-connected battery by Zenobē

In the year that Scotland hosts COP26, the project will be country’s first transmission-connected battery directly easing constraints from the grid, helping to stabilise the system and enable greater adoption of renewable energy sources.

  • The site will enable 640GWh more renewable generation to travel from north to south over the next 15 years, delivering clean and secure energy at a substantially lower cost to consumers
  • Over the next 15 years, the project is forecast to remove 388,000 tonnes of CO2 from entering the atmosphere*

Zenobē, the UK’s leading independent owner and operator of battery storage, today announces a 50MW battery project in Wishaw, North Lanarkshire.

The battery, which will be one of the biggest in Scotland, is due to be operational by the end of 2022. It will be the first in Scotland to ease constraints directly from the transmission network, helping to push down energy prices, and accelerate the country’s uptake of renewable energy.

By connecting to the transmission network, the battery will be able to manage constraints more effectively. This means it will be more cost-effective for consumers, compared with the majority of distribution-connected batteries in operation in the UK.

This is a significant step for Scotland as it drives towards its 2045 net-zero target, one of the most ambitious in the world. The country has already moved away from fossil fuel production, with 97% of electricity demand in 2020 met by renewables[1]. This project will allow even greater uptake by allowing more renewable energy to travel from north to south, putting Scotland at the forefront of the world’s renewable energy production ahead of COP26 in Glasgow this November.

Over the next 15 years, the project is forecast to save 388,000 tonnes of CO2 from entering the atmosphere.*

The company has now received the rights to the site, and the build will start in early 2022, aiming to go live at the end of the year.

James Basden, Co-Founder and Director of Zenobē, said:

“We are incredibly excited to be launching this pioneering project. With some of the world’s most ambitious climate change targets, and COP26 taking place in Glasgow this November, all eyes are on Scotland, and this is exactly the type of innovation needed to help the country become a world leader in renewable energy production.

“In working towards climate targets, batteries like this will play an essential role in stabilising the grid and allowing a greater uptake of renewables, ultimately ensuring a more sustainable future for both Scotland and the UK more broadly.”


* This number was updated on 11/12/24, in-line with our most up-to-date reporting methodology. Learn more here.

For further information, please contact:

Press Team: Zenobē@standagency.com

About Zenobē:

Zenobē is one of the largest independent owners and operators of battery storage with c.170MW of contracted storage assets, around 20% market share of the EV bus sector, its own proprietary software and a large portfolio of projects in the pipeline. Zenobē provides intelligent flexible power solutions to commercial EV fleet operators, utilities and industrial and commercial businesses. The company’s battery storage services help clients manage power more effectively so they can lower costs, improve resilience and reduce their environmental impact.

Learn more about Zenobē.

Learn more about Zenobē’s Network Infrastructure Solutions.

[1] Scottish Government https://www.gov.scot/binaries/content/documents/govscot/publications/statistics/2018/10/quarterly-energy-statistics-bulletins/documents/energy-statistics-summary—march-2021/energy-statistics-summary—march-2021/govscot%3Adocument/Scotland+Energy+Statistics+Q4+2020.pdf

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Peter Smith

Head of Product

Pete leads Zenobē’s growing team of Product specialists across all areas of the business. His team oversee our R&D as well as product development in both hardware and software.


He has been working in the European E-Mobility sector from over ten years, specialising in the design, build and delivery of software systems for EV Charging.